September & October 2010 News
- In late October, look for Comfort Cookies in The Castleton Village Store in Castleton, Vermont! "Whether your fancy is Vermont micro-brews, artisan cheeses, pure Vermont maple syrup, or other Vermont specialty foods" you can find it all in one beautiful Rutland County, VT location!
- Whether you are curling up in your favorite easy chair or hiking through the autumn woods, our newest Comfort Cookies are sure to warm your soul! Pumpkin Chocolate Chip is chock full of organic pumpkin and aromatic spices! You will find Molasses Apple Spice featuring some of Vermont's finest apples along with organic blackstrap molasses. Last but certainly not least, our Roasted Ginger Comfort Cookie will we be made two ways: with wheat and gluten-free! Look for them soon!
- Comfort Cookies will be at the Annual Harvest Celebration at City Market in Burlington, Vermont on Sunday October 3rd. Come by the store if you're in the area between 12 and 4pm to sample many of the fine foods...FREE...that are available in the Co-Op.
- The 4th Annual Vermont Remembers Run will be held on Saturday September 11th. This event benefits the Vermont National Guard Fallen Soldier Memorial at Camp Johnson. The race begins and ends at Camp Johnson. Both events (10 k & Youth Fun Run) are open to the public.
• 10k Run/Walk/Ruck March
• 1 mile Youth Fun Run
• 86th IBCT Satellite Race (in Afghanistan)
- Comfort Cookies will be donated and auctioned to help fund the Vermont Recreation and Parks Association at the Annual Vermont Governor's Conference on Recreation. The VRPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, development, and improvement of all recreation and park services within the State of Vermont.
- Comfort Cookies will be among the items being auctioned at the NAAEE 2010 Conference to help raise funds for the North American Association for Environmental Education on Thursday, September 30.
- It is an honor to be donating Comfort Cookies to the participants of the Out of the Darkness Walk to Prevent Suicide on Saturday October 2nd.
- Weekend party in Charlotte starting on Friday October 8th and finishing with the Tenth Annual East Charlotte Tractor Parade on October 10, 2010! Comfort Cookies will have a stand open on Parade Day. If you have never attended this event, you are REALLY missing something special!
• Friday Oct. 8th: Barn Dance at the Old Lantern (6pm - 11pm)
• Saturday Oct 9th: Antique Tractor Display, Farmer's Market & Craft Fair (11am - 4pm)
• Sunday Oct 10th: Parade Day! Pie eating contest at 11:00 am. Tractors roll at 1pm.
- Join us and a wonderful group of other Vermont vendors at the Northwest Farmers Market at historic Taylor Park in Downtown St. Albans, Vermont. The market will be open every Saturday from 9am - 2pm through October. You can find everything from just picked organic produce to inspiring jewelry at the Market. Hope to see you there!
| Comfort Cookies Events/Demos
in September and October:
Saturday September 11
Middlebury Natural Foods Coop
Harvest Festival
1 Washington St in Middlebury
(Tasting Demo from 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm)
Saturday September 11th
Vermont Remembers Run IV
Camp Johnson
789 VT Army National Guard Road, Colchester, VT
Saturday September 25th
Nature's Pantry
12th Anniversary Celebration
Comfort Cookies samples given out at the Newburgh, NY store
Tuesday & Wednesday September 28 & 29
Governor's Conference on Recreation Comfort Cookies will be sampled and auctioned to raise money for the VT Recreation and Parks Association
Saturday October 2nd
Out of the Darkness Walk to Prevent Suicide
Battery Park in Burlington, VT
Walk participants each receive a free Comfort Cookie
Saturday October 2nd
Northwest Farmer's Market
Please join us at Taylor Park in Downtown (corner of South Main and Fairfield Streets) Saint Albans, VT
(9:00 am - 2:00 pm)
Sunday October 3rd
City Market Coop
Annual Harvest Festival
City Market Co-Op in Burlington, VT
(Tasting event 12pm - 4pm)
Sunday October 10th
10th Annual East Charlotte Tractor Parade
Archived News
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January & February 2010
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